kong sin wan meaning in English
- A commitment to upgrade 46ec to category a at an estimated cost of 184 . 1 million in mod prices for the construction of a composite school comprising a 30 classroom secondary section and a 30 classroom primary section at kong sin wan tsuen , pok fu lam
建议一项承担额,把46ec号工程计划提升为甲级按付款当日价格计算,估计费用为1亿8 , 410万元,用以在薄扶林钢湾村兴建一所设有中小学部的学校中小学部各有30间课室。 - A commitment to upgrade 46ec to category a at an estimated cost of 184 . 1 million in mod prices for the construction of a composite school comprising a 30 - classroom secondary section and a 30 - classroom primary section at kong sin wan tsuen , pok fu lam
建议一项承担额,把46ec号工程计划提升为甲级按付款当日价格计算,估计费用为1亿8 , 410万元,用以在薄扶林钢湾村兴建一所设有中小学部的学校中小学部各有30间课室。